Visit and Join the WeHeal Esophageal Cancer Community.
Information and References: Mayo Clinic | Wikipedia
Clinical Trials: | In Clinical Trials | EU Clinical Trials Register | WeHeal Guide to Researching Clinical Trials
Patient Resources and Related Organizations: The Salgi Esophageal Cancer Research Foundation
News and Media: | NIH
Cancer that forms in tissues lining the esophagus (the muscular tube through which food passes from the throat to the stomach). Two types of esophageal cancer are squamous cell carcinoma (cancer that begins in flat cells lining the esophagus) and adenocarcinoma (cancer that begins in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids).
Visit and Join the WeHeal Esophageal Cancer Community.
WeHeal is very grateful to our valued sources of information which include Wikipedia, WebMD,,, Infoplease, and the US CDC (Center for Disease Control).